
Book Review

Book Review ‘One child a week is fifty-two a year. Squish them and squiggle them and make them disappear.’ The Witches, Chapter - A NOTE ABOUT WITCHES, Pg 3 The above quote was from the book ‘The Witches’ By Roald Dahl (illustrated by Quentin Blake). It is the motto of the witches, who - in the book - are portrayed to absolutely hate children. They have different ways of killing them like casting a spell, giving them poison, etc. The witches' extreme hatred for the children is due to the fact that children release ‘stink waves’ to them and smell like dog’s droppings. Unable to stand the odour, the witches try to find ways to kill them. A witch can be anywhere, at any point of time. Of course, witches need to look nice, and in order to do that they wear an impeccable disguise that makes them look rather ordinary.  Even witches have meetings to discuss new ways to kill the children. Every year, they have a meeting with The Grand High Witch Of All The World, who is like their leader.

A day in the middle of colors!

The Floriade Do you ever gaze at flowers and admire them? Do you wish that you could look at various flowers displayed in an organised manner? Recently, I went to the Floriade in Canberra, Australia. It is a flower show with a variety of flowers displayed.  The Floriade is celebrated in many different regions of Europe like the Netherlands, Amsterdam, etc.  Unlike The Floriade in Canberra, The Floriade in the Netherlands happens only once a decade and is held at Amere, which is said to be a beautiful area. As you enter, you can see a bunch of colourful flowers as they are displayed. Originally the idea of Christiaan Slotemaker de Bruine, who was a landscape architect with the Department of Capital Territory in Canberra. The design commenced in 1986 and it was based on the world-famous garden in The Netherlands known as 'Keukenhof'.  It is held every year in Canberra’s Commonwealth Park, which is alongside Canberra’s iconic Lake Burley Griffin. The Floriade is usually planned to

An Introduction

‘In order to write about life first you must live it.’ Ernest Hemingway My name is Avani and I am currently in Year 8. I want to start blogging as I believe that this is a good way to channel my interests and share them with other people. I hope that my blogs will inspire people in a way. On this website, I will write about topics that are used in day-to-day life, and some of my experiences.  About me: Some of my hobbies include swimming, cycling, and reading. I enjoy reading thrillers, and the chills they send down my spine. I go to swimming classes every week, where I have been able to improve myself compared to how I was 2 years ago. I also enjoy cycling in the summer as it calms me down and allows me to think after a long and stressful day. More about my hobbies and passions: 1) Neuroscience - I enjoy learning about the brain as I find it fascinating. In this blog, I will write about the different inventions and how neuroscience is used in daily life, along with other key informat